Friday, March 18, 2011

Uptown Downstairs Abbey Part One - Red Nose Day 2011 - BBC Comic Relief ...


  1. This was hillarious! I love Downton Abbey, but this was too funny!

  2. Mary, scrap the original this is SO much better. I LAUGHED!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do you lot know about RED NOSE DAY?

    I've got a great collection of red noses over the years. Must take pictures of my self wearing the different ones and post them.

  3. Lorena, Did you see the two kitchen maids running around carrying mallets? I loved that Edith was called #2. :)

    Tony, I've never heard of Red Nose, but it looks good on you. Looked up the Mamma Mia ones as well and laughed so hard my husband thought I was crying!
